How To Elevate Your Video Background

This week let's talk about your video background. Honestly this topic doesn't get enough attention, and yet it's so important. How you set up the area you will be filming in will leave a strong impression with your students and others watching your promotional videos. 

Honestly, you’ll be relieved to know you don't have to be a decorator to create an attractive and welcoming space for filming background.

Here’s an easy exercise for you. If you have an idea of where you're going to be setting up to film, take a picture of it right now. Then I want you to study the image you just took. 

It can be hard to look at a familiar space with fresh eyes, but please try. Pretend you are a visitor and you’re coming into the room for the first time. Then, try to describe it with as many adjectives as you can. For example, is it neat and tidy, or a bit unorderly? Is it dark, or is there plenty of sunlight? Are the furnishings modern, or are there antiques in this room?

My former studio.

Try to write down as many descriptive words for the space as you can. When you’re finished, ask yourself, does this room describe me? Does it tell your story? Does it fit your personality? Is it a space that you like to spend time in?

The reason for this exercise is because students will make assumptions about you based on your filming background. They will learn your favorite colors, they will learn what your style of decor is, they’ll learn if you’re tidy or if you prefer to work in organized chaos, and so on. 

My current studio.

It will be like inviting visitors into your space and hosting them for a while. Be sure it’s a space you’re proud of, and be sure it’s a space that describes you and what you like. Many of us who teach online will rearrange our rooms a bit, adding new pillows, bringing in a different chair, maybe even painting the walls. We want to make the right impression on students, and we want them to get to know us just by what they see in our video frame.

This instructor has a pretty plain light colored background, which works well because it’s neat and tidy. Notice how she makes herself the focal point by wearing dark clothing.

Over the years, I have learned how to create a space that I know will make a great background for video. I try to include some of my paintings, my brand colors, some of my favorite objects, and a welcoming environment that will make students feel comfortable in my classes.

If you’re not good at these kinds of things, please don’t stress! You don’t have to run out and hire a decorator. Take some time to study what other class backgrounds look like, and even backgrounds in films. Make a note of what you like and what you don’t like, and learn about yourself in this capacity. I look at a lot of interior design photos on Pinterest and I get lots of ideas.

A dark background works nicely too, but be sure to wear lighter clothing so again you, as the subject, are highly visible.

In the meantime, when creating your first classes, no one expects a masterpiece. Honestly, most of us who create classes and courses, cringe at our first ones for this very reason. But you have to start somewhere. Do with what you have right now, and over time you’ll get better and better at assembling an eye-catching and pleasant looking video background for your classes. Just like everything else you will learn with practice as you go. 

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