Fashion illustration, Spring Instagram Challenge & Flatlay Photography


Fashion Illustration

Fashion has been such a love affair for me my entire teenage and adult life. From the designers, models, illustration and design, I love it all. I’ve been professionally involved in the fashion industry for the last 15 years, and I still can’t seem to get enough. So I have decided to create a  series of tutorials for Fashion illustration.

My former Skillshare class, Watercolor Fabric Swatches, was my inspiration. I had so much fun creating it, and I realized I could take this subject so much further. For example, producing a class to teach how to paint textile prints on the body. It’s a matter of perspective, shading and overlapping to make a print look realistic on a fashion figure. I'll update you once it’s published!



Instagram Update  

In February my Instagram feed was filled with hearts and flowers.  In March it was purple and green. Now with spring eminent, I have chosen peach and yellow as the colors for my April feed. I have already had so much fun painting these light and uplifting colors.

In fact, I have joined the Bring Spring challenge hosted by some of my favorite Skillshare instructors and fellow Instagrammers. If you’d like to join, check out hashtag #BringSpring_challenge.  I look forward to fill my grid with more flowers, fruits, vegetables, Collette and Fifi, and of course fashion illustrations.  Please feel free to stop by and take a look. And if you have time send me a hello. I’d love to see you there!



The Art of the Flatlay

I’ve been long fascinated with flatlay photography, but I was intimidated to try it.  What is the flatlay you ask?  It’s simply laying lovely items out and photographing them from directly above. It has the most engaging effect when you arrange your items to tell a type of story. Sort of like a retail store display but from a two dimensional perspective.  As an artist, maker, and seller, I’m always looking for new ways to present my work. It’s been done so well by many artist on Instagram, all I could do is longingly admire from afar.  Then came Annie McGee...

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