Fresh Start, New Art Class, Seth Godin, Color Journaling


Fresh Start

Happy New Year!!!! Okay, so the month is almost over, but there is still so much time to make a new start. The days fly by so quickly, it’s that much more important to really think this through.  In other words, what is inspiring you to want to make a change?


For me it’s being more intentional about the things I want to accomplish this year. I'd like to expand my social networking reach by sourcing more content, like the images in this post from my Instagram.  My online art teaching is becoming more of a time commitment, and in turn more rewarding.  I want to produce graphic design, more art related products, and build my new creative business. I’m also committed to trying new things; like Claire Picard’s color journaling technique, for example, which has revolutionized the way I see my projects. In addition, Seth Godin, whose no nonsense approach to marketing is changing the way I think about problem solving. 


Both of these dynamic individuals are more adequately described below. In the coming months, I plan to share with you my driving forces and more of the people who pull me forward. What types of new goals and resolutions have you set for yourself? What things are you hoping to accomplish this year?  


I’ve started off the new year by publishing an all new Skillshare class called Embellishments for Illustration. It’s a new type of exercise for me which focuses on creating an illustration then embellishing it with marks, banners, mini objects, florals or anything else your heart desires.   The challenge is to add embellishment that enhances, but does not overpower the illustration.


I cover art deco style, chalkboard painting, floral pattern illustration, a project perfect for a poster or greeting card, and some playing with metallics. Here’s a free link in case you are not a Skillshare member and want to check it out.  


If all of that isn’t great enough, I am running a contest that ends on February 6 with a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card, so I hope you’ll swing on by.  :-)



Seth Godin

Have you ever heard people say, “Oh I’m not creative at all.”  I think what they’re saying, is that they are not artists in the traditional sense of the word. The thing is, I believe all people are creative by nature. It just may be in a different way.  

Seth Godin is not an artist, however, he is one of the most highly creative individuals I’ve been exposed to in a long while. That is what it takes to demystify the most asked questions in promotion, social networking and marketing, with a simple sentence or thought.  Seth makes it look simple by doing this on a daily basis...



Claire Picard-Exploring Colour

I had the pleasure of taking a course taught by Claire Picard, a color trend forecaster in the UK. I took the course Exploring Colour sometime ago, but I love the effect it had on my projects since then. Claire generously shares her process of adventuring through our surroundings, books, magazines and the internet to learn the patterns of color today.  


The idea is to  create a journal with images in similar color groups. The images included in this section are all from my personal sketch book that I filled with my favorite trending photos. Then I painted those colors in ways that I might use them in my art.


If you study it yourself, you will notice that the same color combinations are being used in the transportation industry, the marketing industry, the food industry, and it goes on and on. These colors tell the story of our era, and as they change and flow with the passing seasons, the story evolves with them. It’s quite fascinating to think that all of this makes some sort of sense.

If you would like to discover her beautiful art and learn more, follow Claire on her Instagram and her Pinterest

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