Why On Earth Would I Build a Watercolor Membership?

Have you ever thought about starting a membership? Lot’s of people are doing it, including me with my watercolor membership Mastering the Waters. Why? It's not only a great way to teach what you know, but it can provide you with regular income as a creative… And you don’t hear that everyday, right? But there are other reasons.

My membership gives me a more intimate way to connect with my students and help them with the issues they are struggling with.

This is gold for any teacher, but especially because I am dedicated to creating lessons that truly move the needle for you in your watercolor growth. I also get to structure my membership the way I want to teach my students, and I don’t have to do it anyone else’s way. If I want to fill my membership with a bunch of content I’ve already created I can do that. I choose to create new lessons for mine, but that’s just me. It becomes your very own space to share what you know.

My favorite part? I get to see students have those priceless aha moments that change everything for them. Like my member Adele, who was so elated with her progress that shared it with her almost 1800 Facebook friends in this post:

“I've NEVER worked with Watercolors and am having so much fun! In my second class, Chris helped me paint my garden view of the Pisac Ruins [Peru]. She taught me how to sketch the layout, make a color wheel from the photo I'd sent her, do simple brush strokes to create trees and flowers, and just enJOY the whole organic process!”

Adele created the above painting as a brand new watercolor student after only 2 months in the membership! Can you believe that? Your journey and timeline may be different than hers, but there’s one thing I know. I can help you focus on the things that will speed up your watercolor growth and improvement. There are other stories, but this is what I get to do inside my own membership. It’s so surreal!

If you're wanting to start your own membership, Stu McClaren is THE one to learn from.

Why Stu? He was the original membership expert back decades ago with his tech startup Wishlist Member, a WordPress plug-in for membership owners, from decades ago. He has an amazing charity in Africa helping build schools in areas that don't have them yet. He's just an all-around kind and generous soul…

I took Stu's course, The Membership Experience, in 2021 on the recommendation of Bonnie Christine (artist and surface design guru) as she considers Stu her mentor. He's fun to learn from, and let me tell you, he will teach you all you need to know to start and set up your own membership. Plus, his community is filled with kind, helpful, and like-minded people. I still have friends from this course stay in touch, give their generous assistance, and cheer me on! It’s truly an experience and one I’ll never forget.

It all started with the free workshop where I learned so much to begin with. It’s not currently running but I’d be happy to tell you when it’s back in the spring of 2024. It really pays to get help when you’re doing something that’s out of your league, and meet like-minded people to build a community that will support you when you need it most.

It’s not just in learning where to start, or how to build the inside of your membership, AND all the tech involved. It’s the marketing too. It’s knowing how to talk about it in a way that get’s others excited to jump inside. I’m not one to pay for big courses all the time, but Stu made it worth every penny and then some.

Now I have a beautiful online space that I can share with others to help them get the skills they’ve always wanted. Stories like Adele’s are happening, and students are going on to advanced techniques, creative businesses, and just feeling confident to paint anything anytime. I am so honored to be a part of these stories, and I can’t wait to participate in more of them.

Curious about my watercolor membership and what’s inside? Learn more about it by clicking the button below!


Chris VComment